About the Job 1. The pay... Pay for telecommunications engineers varies depending on responsibility, experience and area of specialisation. Graduate telecommunications engineers usually earn between $40,000 and $50,000 a year. With two to five years' experience they usually earn between $50,000 and $70,000 a year. After five years, telecommunications engineers usually earn between $60,000 and $90,000 a year. As a senior specialist you may earn between $85,000 and $120,000 So here's the breakdown...at the time I was posting this, the shilling was quite stable. Which is regardless to say it held well against the dollar. So anyway...1 dollar retailed at Ksh.83.98 buying in the NSE. So I broke it down and this is how much we are talking about:- Graduate telecommunications engineers usually earn between Kshs.3,357,600 and Kshs 4,199,000 a year. With two to five years' experience they usually earn between Kshs 4,199,000 and Kshs 5,878,600 a year. After five years...